Users education is an important regular activity of the library to inform, alert, educate and train users about various resources and services of the library. In addition to orientation programmes organized for new students, the library conducted short duration training programmes on “How to Use” the library resources for our faculty and students so that they are able to use these resources more effectively. For users desiring to learn more about any service, online journals access, ready reference, books search or any resource, the library provides one-on-one training. The library also organized interactive sessions on “Enhancing User Awareness” for new faculty and research scholars to familiarize them with various resources and services. The library makes good use of various mailing lists, and news groups to interact and communicate with the user community, to inform them about the new activities and services, and to obtain their comments and suggestions. A books exhibition was also organized along with the workshop so that the participants as well as AURC,CBE community could browse and select the latest publications for the personal collection or for their libraries.